

yeast I fully realize this is rather old fashioned to make yeast and to use it for my baking. But I do it anyway. Because it is healthier than just using that quick rising dry business. Yes, dry yeast takes the nutrition down in bread while real...

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My Contribution To Book Club

My Contribution To Book Club

Baked pear bowl filled with fresh granola, later garnished with whipped cream and cinnamon. This morning, was a book club brunch tea meeting. For which I made baked pear. This is so simple. The only tough part is scooping it out to create the...

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Celebrating Spring

Celebrating Spring

Early crocuses. It feels like winter… Cold today. Clouds invade the sky, they hang there making a concerted effort to blot out the sun. But she has become too powerful to be muted. She peaks through in breaks between the clouds, fighting...

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Maple Chip Ice Cream

Maple Chip Ice Cream

Maple Chip Ice Cream The early august heat has become unbearable, and the air is so humid it is actually suffocating…. But in the ultra hot almost unbreathable air that burns as it enters your nose, the fragrance of fresh herbs and...

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