Who Likes Pie?

Who Likes Pie?

Apple Pie Winter’s Holly King, can be felt now in the air… The days grow shorter with each passing day. The sky is already dark. A chill is entering the now beautiful, comfortable air outside. The trees too are preparing to sleep...

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Preparing For Autumn

Preparing For Autumn

Bottling fresh body moisturizing cream. Autumn is coming quickly, I can see it everywhere now. it is possible to breathe it right in outside. The local orchards spread the apple scent all over town as the air cools from the mucky sludge it has...

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Maple Chip Ice Cream

Maple Chip Ice Cream

Maple Chip Ice Cream The early august heat has become unbearable, and the air is so humid it is actually suffocating…. But in the ultra hot almost unbreathable air that burns as it enters your nose, the fragrance of fresh herbs and...

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A Sweater For Winter

A Sweater For Winter

The hearth of the home is a special place. Especially here. The whole house revolves around the hearth. That is simply the lay out. I enjoy sitting near  the fire with a nice knitting project, or on occasion working the spinning wheel even if...

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Cinnamon Rolls Christmas Brunch

Cinnamon Rolls Christmas Brunch

Cinnamon Rolls Christmas Brunch. Today, I am the matriarch of the house…. But  as a child, it  was my mum who filled the roll I fill now. Every Christmas morning after presents, we would head for the kitchen and there would be a beautiful...

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